Moving Day For Kids

Moving Day For Kids

The "Kids" have grown up....oh my how they've grown.
Their little horns stick up about an inch on their heads.
And they've learned how to use them...
only on each other.

Poor Sissy and O'Malley who are still pregnant (due in April)
have been tortured lately by the little bucklings.
As boys often do, they have one thing on their mind.
And of course that is the last thing on a pregnant doe's mind!

So, there was nothing left to do but re-arrange the goat pens.

We moved Missy and Myrtle and their "kids" in with
Aunt Jill and Uncle Jack.

Forrest moved in with Sissy and O'Malley.

Everyone is happy.
Especially because the moms get extra portions of chow.
That means everyone will be getting a little fat this spring.

Although the doelings love to climb under the fence gate
and visit with Sissy and O'Malley,
the bucklings seem content to remain inside their new yard
and climb Mt. Fainter (log mountain/jungle gym).
Unfortunately, the next move that these kids make will be to their new homes.  All but Nettie B. will be adopted by new families.  We are hoping to keep one or two of the kids that will be born in April, too.  

- We're Expecting!
We performed pregnancy checks on the three fainting goat does that we have bredfor Spring babies. Sally, O'Malley's daughter, was bred this Autumn for the first time. She didn't seem to mind the ultrasound at all. Good news!  She's...

- Transformation
If you follow our blog,you will know that O'Malley is one of our favored goats.She came to us in 2007 with our original foundation stock...having just been born that spring. O'Malley is a Fainting Goat,and scores very highly on the fainting...

- Weaning The Babies
 Sissy and O'Malley's babies are now old enough to wean. O'Malley will be so relieved!She has not really enjoyed the whole nursing scene.Her body is back to pre-pregnancy and she's ready to lose the udders."Whew! What a relief that...

- Mojo Found His Mojo!
Happily, I can report that our little MoJo has bred with Sissy. Was it successful?....only time will tell. I thought at first that our stealthy little fellow viewed mating as a "covert op", but today he was caught in the act several times. Sissy is "in...

- Finally, The Long-awaited Arrival Of Fainting Goats
What seems like a forever wait has finally come to a close and our goats have arrived. After a several-day trip across country in the back of a horse trailer, our O'Malley, Jack(a wether), Jill, Missy, Myrtle and a yet-to-be-named buckling arrived...

