Mystery Solved... And More

Mystery Solved... And More

Oh, it was so mean of me to make you wait for the conclusion of yesterday's mystery.

And, sadly (actually, happily) the answer to the mystery turned out to be an easy one.
I am happy to report that there was absolutely no fowl play.
Apparently, Hubbs had entered the goat pen on Sunday afternoon to grab a couple logs
from the upper of the three conjoining pens...

and happened to forget to lock this gate.

Now, what I have learned about all of our animals is that they frequently do perimeter checks,
just to see if there are any easy escape hatches.
And when they happen to find a way out, they take it!

But what I also know about goats is that they are herd animals and are very
intimidated by freedom.
They seek to be with their own kind.
And so the Nigerians high-tailed it into the fainting goat pasture.

How do I know that they could get into a four-board-fence enclosed pasture?

Because I have witnessed them escaping from it several times.
Which is the answer to your question as to why we don't keep all of the goats together.

Because another name for Nigerian dwarf goats is Houdini Goats (I made that up....but it's true!)

Mystery solved.
I am relieved, to say the least!

In other news around the neighborhood,
this lovely peacock arrived at our neighbor's house about a week or so ago and has not left.
Our neighbor is in her nineties and does not want a peacock.

Now, the question is this...
do we want a peacock?

Years ago we actually considered having a couple,
but read that they can be really hard on gardens.

The veggie garden is not a problem, because we have gates.
What I worry about are the blueberries.

I am wondering if we keep the peacock around the barn,
might we avoid him finding the blueberry bushes?
(wondering how much he will wander in a day's time)

Hmmmmmmmm..... I will ponder this idea over the next day or two.

Yesterday was hoof trimming and grooming day for all horses and donkeys.
(no small task!)

Aren't we handsome?

Last night's dinner was this recipe from Williams Sonoma, 
(Recipe here)

made with homegrown ingredients and local chicken.
I am happy to say that even the seasonings were homegrown.

(garlic, saffron, hot pepper flakes)

The dogs and I took a trip to the woods yesterday afternoon to pick blackberries.

On the way home, we raided Becky's peach tree.

Then the fruit was combined

for a blackberry/peach crisp...

Yummmmmmm....with ice cream!

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