New and Improved

New and Improved

Here is Liz (Tin Lizzy) with her fresh coat of paint....look down a few posts back and you will see her "before" picture. Isn't she lovely?Today is moving day for the bees. I have been painting hive boxes and will inspect each hive this afternoon...moving their frames into new boxes. Then when the sun goes down and all bees are back in their homes, we will move the hives into their new, secure, bear-proof hive yard. I found the cutest tin bee to decorate their yard....just in case they forget where they live.

- Swarm! (another Adventure In Beekeeping)
Someone once commented that my life is anything but boring.I would have to agree with that.It seems that every day brings some sort of adventure. Yesterday afternoon was quite exciting...heart-pounding exciting! Shortly before I was ready to go out for...

- Hive Inspection
Yesterday was a beautiful, warm, sunny day....a perfect day to work the bees. In the late afternoon, I suited up, put fuel in the smoker and set off to inspect my 5 older hives. Opening the lids and removing the top boards I was happy to see my colonies...

- Moving Day
Late Saturday night while the bees slept (do they ever actually sleep?), Jack and I duct taped their hive bodies, bottom boards and lids together. We then loaded each beehive on the gator and moved it to the new bear-proof yard. Four out of five hives...

- Great News
I have been anxiously awaiting Spring to see how our honey bees tolerated the long, cold winter. I am happy to say that upon initial inspection, there is good activity at all 5 hives. I have begun to feed them sugar water until nectar starts flowing....a...

- Honey Harvest...the Process
Mike and Bev....ready to go to work on the hives. The proper attire is a must for this job. Thanks to these great suits we handled several hives (and hundreds of thousands of bees) with no stings! Mike getting ready to "smoke" the bees. The smoke has...

