News by Charybdis

News by Charybdis

Scylla and I were feeling kinda left out as Fenris has the Tail Chasers Club and Socks belongs to the M-Cats Club so we were thrilled when Chilli told us that we could join her Silky & Slender Crew.

We meet a new cat today. Baby Patches, visit Confessions of the Plume to find out about the Spring Photo Contest for Cats.


- Tsarina Tuesday ~artemisia
We interrupt our regularly scheduled post to bring you some REALLY exciting news. Most of you know our friend Baby Patches she blogs at Confessions of the Plume and helps her Mom run a store, Nip & Bones with all sorts of stuff for cats and dogs....

- Tails On Thursday
Guess what!!!!!! Cliff & Olivia let me join the Tail Chasers Club. My tail's name is Hróðvitnir which is Old Norse and means "fame-wolf". Not only do I chase my tail I can catch it. The cats love to watch me running in circles with my tail...

- We Got An Awardie!!!
Siena, over at Cat with a Garden has a new sister and she graciously allowed Chilli to give out the awards. Chilli picked us. Chilli we are so thrilled you can't imagine as you probably know from our blog we love butterflies. Definitely a three tails...

- 13 Things About Charybdis
Charybdis Charybdis is very energetic. Charybdis runs around panting like a dog.Charybdis is a diluted calico.Charybdis has a very annoying meow. It's a good thing Mommy loves her cause the "Meoooow" gets on Mommy's nerves.Charybdis likes to...

I got my M~Cat's Club badge today. I am very proud of it. Mommy put it in the sidebar for me. I think they did a really good job on it. I am very happy to be a part of the M~Cats club. I have meet a lot of good friends there and we have a blast....

