Notes From A Homeschooling Mom: Free homeschool Book Giveaway

Notes From A Homeschooling Mom: Free homeschool Book Giveaway

Notes From A Homeschooling Mom: Free homeschool Book Giveaway

OK, I hope I am following the rules. I am suppose to tell you Why I homeschool. Gosh there are so many reasons I don't know where to start. We started homeschooling because the public school my children attended enacted a mandatory public school uniform policy that we disagreed with. It didn't take us long to realize that homeschooling offered so much more then not having to dress our kids like clones. We enjoy the freedom to move at our own pace, the freedom to take vacations when it is convenient for us, the extra family time. There are so many pluses to homeschooling it's impossible to pick just one reason.

- Homeschooling Allows Children To Soar Above The Clouds
Unschooling the Public in 25 Words or Less from Cocking a Snook. FLY, STUDENTS, FLY by Daryl over at HE&OS. And my humble rant.............................. I am sick and tired of hearing how public school kids have all this wonderful freedom (which obviously...

- The Importance Of Independent Homeschooling
Many non-homeschoolers ask why homeschoolers who are doing a good job are opposed to stricter regulations regarding homeschooling. Here are some of the reasons. Homeschoolers have seen time and again how petty Department of Education Bureaucrats and Public...

- Homeschooling In Mississippi
I have really loved homeschooling in Mississippi. It has been a wonderful experience for my family. But what do other people think about homeschooling in Mississippi? Natalie at the Homeschool Cafe ask How do Mississippi public school superintendents...

- The Pros And Cons Of Homeschooling
At first I couldn't think of any cons but then I realized that while all parents wonder IF they are doing the right thing and IF they have made the right choice homeschoolers may do this more then most as it's all on us if Little Johnny or Susie...

- Join The Great School Debate On Dr. Phil
You can join the Great School Debate on Dr. Phil, by clicking here. The episode is suppose to air on Friday. Needless to say I won't be watching it. Dana and her husband, Joe, call themselves radical unschoolers, for some reason Dr. Phil choose them...

