

From the Sound Off section in The Sun Herald we have a great reason to homeschool.
Too short summer
Can anybody explain to me why the schools here on the Coast start Aug. 3, when they don't start until mid- to late-August in other parts of the state? I don't understand it. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, and it deprives families of summertime, when they should be able to have time off to take vacations.

Cynthia Tanner wrote a letter supporting Terri Mitchell's column advocating a pet licensing fee as a source of revenue, below you will find a letter to the editor that was in The Sun Herald today that explains why they don't think using pets as a source of revenue is a good idea.

Don't charge us fees for our pet-children
Not all law abiding responsible pet owners want a pet licensing system as Cynthia Tanner implies (July 24 letter, "A pet that wasn't licensed is the elephant in the room"). Many families consider their pets as "children." We don't want our pets treated like "property." Poor folk and old people on fixed incomes deserve to be able to have pets to love and cherish, not just the rich who can afford pure- breed animals and expensive fees. I applaud our elected officials who refused to see our pet-children as a source of revenue and rejected a pet licensing system.


While the large number of unwanted pets is a problem I hope we will use education and low cost spay & neuter programs to solve the problem, instead of taxing people who choose to adopt pets.

- Please Spay & Neuter
Sadly the evidence of pet overpopulation is everywhere in Mississippi. 109,000 homeless dogs and cats enter shelters each year and 73,000 of them are euthanized according to the Humane Society of the US. While many pet owners would like to have their...

- Aspca Opposes Mandatory Spay And Neuter
We are glad to hear this ASPCA OPPOSES MANDATORY SPAY AND NEUTER. While we think it's a good idea to have your pet spayed or neutered we don't think it should be mandatory. We also think having low cost spay/neuter programs in place will do more...

- Pets Shouldn't Balance The Budget
Alasandra is going to take back her blog for a minute (please forgive me). I dropped by A Humane Nation and read Wayne Pacelle's post Pets Shouldn't Balance the Budget In these hard economic times, state and local officials should not try to...

- Death & Taxes
I found this neat website I thought I would share. Death and Taxes is a representational graph of the federal discretionary budget. The amount of money that is spent at the discretion of your elected representatives in Congress. Basically, your federal...

- New Numbers From Petconnection, 2,237 Pets Dead
This morning from the PetConnection database (8:30 a.m. PT): 2,237 deceased pets (1,257 cats, 980 dogs). I am still trying to deal with the loss of Whiskers, trying to comprehend that 2,237 other pets have meet the same fate is so................................

