Orville Wright

Orville Wright

Orville Wright was born on August 19 , 1871 on 7 Hawthorn Street in Dayton, Ohio.

Lesson Plans
Wright Again
Education World
Wright Brothers Biography: An Illustrated Timeline
Instructor Web
THE MIRACLE AT KITTY HAWK (also an Art History lesson)


- Jesse James
Jesse Woodson James was born in Kearney, Missouri on September 5, 1847. American OutlawsEducation WorldLesson PlanetBiography ...

- Alfred Joseph Hitchcock
Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was born August, 13 1899 in London, England. Lesson Plans for The Birds by Alfred Hitchcock. Lesson Plans for other Hitchock titles, can be found here. ...

- Wilbur Wright
Wilbur Wright was born on April 16, 1867 in Millville, Indiana. The NASA site has Lesson Plans. ...

- Lesson Plans On Unschooling From The New York Times
From The New York Times Learning Network Home Schoolers Content to Take Children’s Lead complete with lesson plans. Overview of Lesson Plan:In this lesson, students will gather opinions about unschooling and the value of learning inside the classroom...

- Lessons Learned
Something is not quite "Wright" with one of our ducklings.I've thought of naming this guy Orville. He looks like he's ready to take off any minute.In actuality, though, this duckling has a condition known as Angel Wing.It is a condition that...

