Other Signs of Spring

Other Signs of Spring

One sure sign of warmer weather is the reappearance of Tin Lizzy back under the old pine tree by the barn. Liz is our vintage 1953 Ford tractor (that still runs....we use here every summer for certain chores). This year, I have decided to spruce her up a bit. A couple of cans of Rustoleum paint will make her a little more splashy!! I will post pictures when her facelift is complete.
If you have ever seen the Disney movie "Cars" you will agree with me that she looks a bit like the tractors in that movie. Can you see her face?

- Of Morels And Manure
With a beautiful Spring backdrop,I squeezed as much out of a sunny yesterday as I could. With several days of rain on the horizon,I felt a certain urgency to get a lot of items checked off my Spring chore list.Fasten your seatbelt,here goes.... 5:30...

- Boarding School
Remember that early morning in May that I took a trip to the Post Office to pick up my 30 baby guineas?Well, those guineas are adolescents now.And are now attending Boarding School. (Here is Gus, Headmaster of the BeeHaven Birdbrain Academy.) Yes, that's...

- Making Hay While The Sun Shines
First of all,I have to tell you....I am blessed.Blessed in more ways than I deserve. One particular blessing of interest in this post,is the blessing of wonderful neighbors. I have never lived in a place, before moving to the farm,where neighbors were...

- More Signs
I have been busily trying to finish up hand painting our farm signs, so they are ready to hang when construction is finished. The final sign is this one that will hang at the roadside beside our long driveway. It is two sided and has the same design...

- A Day In The Life....
Although there is a sort of comfort in a rainy day...being able to catch up on inside chores and do a bit of nesting; we live for warm, sunny days on the farm. Rising early, starting the day with a hearty breakfast, we head down to the barn to whittle...

