

The Criz Cats had a surprise birthday party for their Daddy. There was tons of good food there. Scylla was very impressed with the sunset. We were on the cliff overseeing the Straits of Malacca, it was a very lovely spot. Charybdis saw a seashell on the beach that could walk. I wonder if she got in the Lizquila? There were tons of cats and dogs that we knew there.

We weren't the only ones at a party yesterday. Mommy was at youngest boy beans Team Fusion Banquet. She said it was very nice. ~Socks

- Happy Birthday Scylla & Charybdis
Between the Mardi Gras Party and the yard work we forgot about Scylla & Charybdis' birthday. Mommy is going to do something special for Scylla tonight and we will have a party for her Gotcha Day in April. The portrait Katie Kat did of Charybdis...

- Party! Party! Party!!!!
Socks, MoMo and some other bad kitties went clubbing last night and worried Mommy sick. Apparently they thought Mommy wouldn't miss them with all the other cats and dogs here. They seem to be very sleep tonight, so we needs to be quiet...

- Socks & The Flying Carpet
(MoMo, Socks & Sassy picture by Karl) MoMo and Sassy came picked me up on the flying carpet. I have to tell you flying carpets are pawsome. It's like being curled up on your favourite carpet at home and then you are wherever you want to go and...

- Happy Birthday Sassy's Mom
Sassy is having a birthday party for her Mom in absentia. That's a fancy way of saying the Mom of the house is AWOL. It's a great party and Sassy has lovely guest gifts for everyone. We just adore the painting she sent home with us. ~Socks, Scylla...

- Happy Birthday Gretchen!
We were invited to Gretchen's 4th Birthday, she had a Garden Party Tea to celebrate turning four. All the girls had lovely hats to wear. Silly Scylla lost hers in the woods when she was bird watching. Didn't Gretchen choose a lovely garden in...

