Party for Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 1

Party for Charlie ~ Flower Show Day 1

When we heard about the Picnic to help Charlie we knew we wanted to participate. Frankie mentioned that he would love to have a Flower Show at the picnic and if there is one thing we can do well it is flowers. So welcome to the Whiskers Memorial Butterfly Garden & Grounds. We hopes you enjoy your tour.  Us cats will be showing your around, Fenris volunteered to be in the Dunk Tank, do go push him in PLEASE!!!!!! And there is a Sack Race going on you won't want to miss. There are tons of  other activities you won't want to miss. This is without doubt the blog party of the century. The Flower Show is HUGE and has been divided into FOUR post, so be sure to check back frequently to see what new flowers we have in store for you.

Our friends at Zoolatry sent this along to get us in the mood.

Zoey, that is a pawsome poem, and we promise to show you all of that and more..........................

Now are you ready for a leisurely stroll around our gardens? Good (Hey guys girls think flowers are ROMANTIC so get on over here with your honeys, we will be open all day).

For pets only (Humans do not read) MoMo and KC have arranged a plan to spice up our mom's genteel Flower Show.  MoMo &  KC are bringing lizards and voles as entertainers.  ::sniggers:: They will be set  loose, away from the flower displays, so that they won't upset Mommy & the other humans too much and we kitties (any pups that like to chase lizards and voles are welcome. Fenris is a champion lizard catcher) can have FUN!!!

We are going to start with the side gardens. This is where we grow our vegetables There are strawberries, feel free to pick some Mommy has some fresh cream for you to enjoy with them at the house.

 You has to look under the leaves for the berries. 

We also has watermelons, Mommy has some mature ones chilling in the freezer for us to enjoy. And can you believe these watermelons are volunteers. They came up from where the watermelons were planted last year. 

And tomatoes. Mommy planted marigolds, zinnias and salvia in the buckets with the upside down tomatoes. Mommy's can be silly sometimes, but it does look kinda pretty.

And hey look Fenris is taking a break from the Dunk Tank, he is hanging out under the blueberries.
Fenris loves to eat blueberries, please help yourselves. Now lets head over to the Herb Garden.

We has lots of herbs in here. And guess what lots of herbs repeal insects.  Our Grandpa made the bird house for us. We likes to watch the birds while they are eating. And our Daddy is responsible for the lovely raised beds.  Would anyone like to sit in the shade and rest for awhile? We will visit the Bee Bed in the front of the house next.

OK, we just has to walk past the Yellow Bell (that's what our Grandma calls it) on the way to the Bee Bed.

The red stuff is Pineapple Sage, crush the leaves and take a sniff. That is right they smell like pineapples. And we have gladiolas and Cactus Zinnias in this bed.
and that is mint growing to your right.

And we also has foxgloves growing in the bed.
The Road Dogs are donating a quarter to Charlie's fund for every bounce (comment) in their castle, so be sure to go by their blog and bounce, bounce, bounce.

 The Road Dogs sent along this flowering ginger for us to enjoy.

Now lets go look at the beautiful flowers Ayla, Iza, Marley and TBT from Maryland have arranged for us.

 Crocus we just love these flowers.

 And look they has two Saucer Magnolias, aren't they gorgeous.

Around their mailbox they has Stella d'Oro Daylilies, we thinks these flowers are very cheerful. They always make us smile when we see them. In case you don't know Ayla, Iza and Marley, they are three terrific cats that live with The Big Thing you can visit their blog here. We wants to thank them for sharing their beautiful flowers with us.

Now lets go visit Oskar from Michigan. He has some very cheerful yellow tulips for our viewing pleasure.

Thanks Oskar, you can visit Oskar @ his blog The Daily Oskar and his Mom blogs @ Screaming Mimi, they are hosting The Bug House and we bets his Mommy screamed when she saw the spider we sent. We dares you to go check it out.

Winnie the Greyhound and her Mom Elaine sent these lovely flowers.
 Pink Cornflower

The Cornflower is a very interesting flower. 
Most centaureas originated in Europe, where they still inhabit fields and waysides today, but a few are native to the Americas. They have been part of gardens for centuries, going back to ancient times. In fact, the genus name, Centaurea has its basis in Greek mythology. One of the centaurs, Chiron, is said to have used the flower to heal wounds, including his own, after battle. The most peaceful of the centaurs (who were a warlike group of half man-half horse), Chiron is credited in myth with teaching mankind about the healing powers of herbs.

Winnie lives in Staffordshire, England and she wants everyone to know Greyhounds make great pets.

Our fellow Feline Gardeners Nicki & Derry of  Fuzzy Tales sent these beautiful flowers for The Flower Show.

 We just love the vibrant red of this Gerbera.

 We are very envious of their Bleeding Heart. Mommy for some reason is unable to grow them. But aren't their delicate blooms pretty.

 And these brought a smile to our lips they are so cheerful.

 And see how pretty the water drops look on this one, just pawsome.


And a very happy Poppy. Thank you for sharing them with us Nicki and Derry.

Dexter & Louis from Schnauzer Days Blog came by with some roses.

We hopes you are having a good time. We thoughts we would stop for some refreshments now.

 Gracie, Momo, and Asta are enjoy a picnic lunch before the fashions show begins over @ Mollie Jo's.

This afternoon we will show you the Hummingbird Cottage (complete with a real live Hummingbird. Our Mommy actually caught one in flight. Go Mom!!!!!). The Hummingbird Cottage is one of the most romantic places on our property. And of course there are more flowers from all over the world that our friends sent for us to share, some are very exotic to us Mississippi kitties.  See you later. ~Artemisia, Socks & Scylla (aka Fenris' cats)

PS: Jonesie has some beautiful flowers posted today @ Cory Cat Blog.

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