

Ahhhhhh....the pause that refreshes.
Thank you for taking a little quiet time with me last week.

Duck Hot Tub
In the midst of so much white and gray(brown) and more white...
(yes, it snowed again yesterday...all day)
 it was refreshing to take a trip down memory lane and look at some old photos of warmer times.

Hubbs enlarging Hot Tub
I'll have to admit, I shed a few tears while doing these posts.
Not tears of sadness...
although I was reminded of how deeply I still miss old friends...

but mostly tears of gratitude.

Gratitude that so much love has touched my life.

I am humbled when I take the time to look back at this life on the farm.
The path we have walked has been one of beauty and contentment.
We have known loss and come to understand it as a part of life.
You cannot know great love and joy without also experiencing loss and pain...
the two go hand and hand.
It is part of our human experience.

We grieve and then we get on with life...
because life doesn't take a break on a farm...
not ever!

We have learned so many lessons over the years...
hard lessons learned through sweat and toil,
and gentle lessons taught by the creatures that surround us.

And so...
let's continue this journey, you and I, through the rest of our winter...

and keep a warm spot in our heart where the hope of spring will live for now.

It is time to start planting seeds in the greenhouse...
setting the wheels in motion for a colorful, bountiful (and tasty) summer.

There are many many chores awaiting the coming thaw.

But, for now we will content ourselves with continuing wedding plans and preparations,
as well as dreaming and scheming of garden goodness!

found via Pinterest on

What do you think....
do we stand a chance of decorating our horses for the wedding without them
eating each others' flowers?

Last week I received an email from a company requesting to do a guest post.
Normally I ignore these requests, however this one aligns very closely with my 
philosophy and is totally apropos for a situation that has arisen here on the farm.
(more details on that later this week)

This company has offered an Amazon gift card giveaway (for one of YOU!), as well as
offered compensation for my posting their article.

I said yes.
For two reasons.
One... I believe in their product.
Two... it would be wonderful for this blog to provide just a tiny income on rare occasion.

Don't worry... I haven't sold out... the blog will remain the same,
I am just adding a little additional information from an outside source on one of this weeks' posts...
as well as a great giveaway!

It's a win/win!

Bear with me... at the end of this week I will also be offering an apron giveaway...
in honor of March (our Birthdays month).
A Birthday Present.....For YOU!

PS...Happy Birthday Hubbs!!!(today)

- Country Living Fair
The weekend gave me a chance to cross something off of my bucket list.I spent the weekend in Columbus, the Country Living Fair. It was a "girlfriend" weekend.In a word.... FUN! Ever since Country Living Magazine started hosting these Fairs,...

- Skating On Thick Ice
Yesterday morning we awoke to an inch of new ice on top of our snow. Beautiful. Treacherous. Hubbs and Amanda both fell twice in the driveway trying to get to their cars.Hubbs made his way down our icy drive, only to get stuck by the barn.Needless...

- Happy Anniversary
We finished our summer vacationing this past weekendat the Chesapeake Bay with friends and family.Kayaking, bicycling, and water skiing activities helped us to say goodbyeto our old friend summer.Hubbs tried his hand at water skiing, after almost 30 years...

- A New Year!
Can you believe it?A new year already? (Oh, and before I go any further, I have to tell you.... I have missed our little daily chats!) Did you have a wonderful Christmas?We had the merriest! Every little boy needs his very own John Deere Lazy Boy recliner,...

- Addendum To Previous Post
It is with great sadness and tears streaming down my face that I write this post script. This morning we had to say goodbye to MoJo. He had another blockage, somewhere higher up in his urethra. I found him lying in his house this morning when I went out...

