Pedi Day

Pedi Day

With temps in the low 60's and no rain in sight,
yesterday was the perfect day to finish my hoof trimming rounds.

Last week Red and Ollie were groomed and trimmed.

Yesterday... the Bigs had their turn.

First Scarlet who patiently let me trim even the hairs on her chinny chin chin!

Doesn't she look lovely?


 and Donnie

each had their turns getting their manes and tails brushed,

their bridal paths clipped,

and their hooves trimmed.

I keep all of my equines in natural feet.

In order to maintain healthy hooves,
I try to rasp and re-shape them every two months.
The more often I work on their hooves, the easier it is.

They are all pretty cooperative,
but I find it easier if I sing to them.

For Moonbeam....Beach Boys tunes.
 You see, he fancies himself a California surfing dude!
So the Beach Boys calm him.

Donnie Brasco likes the classics...the heavier the better...
so I hum them for him.

For Scarlet....
silly little made up ditties.
I usually sing her a song that I made up about "Scarlet the Starlet".

  Oh, the things we do for our friends!
(Do you think me crazy?)

As for these two....

No songs will calm them enough to allow a pedicure...
no, it takes a song, a prayer and a small army!

It's hard to believe that an animal with these soft, sweet eyes
could be as willful as these two!

Needless to say.... I have them yet to do. 
Any volunteers???

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