Pet Food Recall ~ FDA blocks Nutro Products

Pet Food Recall ~ FDA blocks Nutro Products

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in July blocked more than 100 Nutro Products -- various styles and flavors of its dog and cat food -- from entering the United States. learned the FDA took that action at the Port of Los Angeles -- and listed Nutro’s pet food on its Import Refusal Report -- because the products appeared to contain poisonous substances and unsafe additives.

- Recall: Wysong Dog Food

- Pet Food Recall ~ Heartless Company Denies Claim
Claim denied. That’s the message a grieving Arizona pet owner received on Monday from the insurance carrier for Nutro Products, one of the companies involved in the nationwide pet food recall. Pet owner Jerri L. filed a claim with the company to recoup...

- Durbin On The Pet Food Recall
“I’m concerned that months after the first recall of tainted pet food, we’re still finding melamine and other adulterants in animal feed or food products,” Durbin said. “We learned during the pet food recall that the FDA rarely inspects food...

- Pet Food Recall ~ Menu Foods Covers Their Assets
From North Country Gazette In another development, Menu Foods, the Canadian firm which initiated the biggest recall of pet food in the nation’s history in mid-March when it recalled 60 million containers of wet and pouched dog and cat food, has posted...

- Pet Food
As many of my readers know I was planning to make my own pet food. Alas Sockie-Pooh doesn't care for my cooking! LOL ;>). So I wanted to find a pet food that had no connection to that dastardly Menu Foods company that killed Whiskers. These products...

