Pet Food Recall ~ FDA playing games with our pets lives

Pet Food Recall ~ FDA playing games with our pets lives

The FDA disputes that the pain killer acetaminophen was found in some brands of pet food.

This case is not closed,” Donna Coneley, lab manager with ExperTox, Inc. told us. “They’re (FDA) still requesting samples and data from us. We’ve talked to them three times today. I don’t see by any means that this is over. If it was over and done with, why would they bother spending so much time with us on the phone and arranging for samples to be released?”

Asked about the FDA’s comment to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, Coneley responded: “I don’t know their reasoning. What I do know is that when they told me they tested a few samples of cat and dog food, I asked them if they were the same lots and brands that we tested. And they couldn’t confirm that any of them were the same ones we tested.”

Read the rest at Consumer Affairs. They still haven't released the brands of pet food affected because of confidentiality agreements. This makes it hard for pet owners to buy any commercial pet food with confidence.

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