Pet Food Recall ~ Melamine contaminated poultry safe for human consumptions, says FDA

Pet Food Recall ~ Melamine contaminated poultry safe for human consumptions, says FDA

-- Approximately 80,000 chickens exposed to feed tainted with the industrial chemical melamine have been declared safe for human consumption, federal health officials said Friday.
After inspections and tests of the animals on several Indiana farms, the Food and Drug Administration and the U.S. Department of Agriculture said the poultry could be released and has been approved for processing.

The birds were withheld from the food supply after it was discovered that their feed had included pet food scraps tainted with melamine, which had contaminated food additives purchased from China.

I don't know about you, but I don't want to consume poultry that was feed melamine. I don't think it's safe and I don't want to play Russian Roulette with my family's health.

Thousands of pet owners have claimed their pets died after consuming the tainted products.

Well at least they didn't claim only 16 or 17 of our pets were MURDERED, by the tainted food.

Read the whole article at

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