Pet Food Recall ~China says don't blame us for killing your pets

Pet Food Recall ~China says don't blame us for killing your pets

The New York Times is reporting in Thursday's paper that China has urged the United States not to take punitive action against the country's exporters of agricultural goods even though the government found that two Chinese companies intentionally contaminated American pet food ingredients with an industrial chemical.

They intentionally contaminated American pet food ingredients which led to my beloved Whiskers death, but they want me to keep buying their products. I don't think so. I will NEVER knowingly buy anything with ingredients from China. And if killing our pets wasn't enough for them medicine with ingredients from China has also been tainted.

- From The New York Times
Contamination with melamine is especially embarrassing. Pet food that included ingredients made in China laced with melamine sickened thousands of pets and killed an unknown number last year in the United States, and the Chinese government promised at...

- Pet Food Recall ~ They Couldn't Be More Wrong ~xenophobia At Heart Of Product Panic In Us
From The China Daily, Debasish Roy Chowdhury whines, But the product scares and recalls the US media seems fixated on are the ones from China. It is the faulty tires, toothpaste, pet food, seafood and toys with a China connection that are making all...

- Not Enough
Chinese regulators said today that they had revoked the licenses of three companies that had exported mislabeled drug ingredients and tainted pet food ingredients to the United States and other parts of the world. Well it's about time. The tainted...

- Pet Food Recall ~americans Need A Safe Food Supply
As the tainted pet-food recall mushroomed into an international scandal, two of the largest U.S. food manufacturers put out a blanket order to their U.S. suppliers: no more ingredients from China. The directive from Mission Foods and Tyson Foods, made...

- Pet Food Recall ~ No More Ingredients From China.
As the tainted pet-food recall mushroomed into an international scandal, two of the largest U.S. food manufacturers put out a blanket order to their American suppliers: no more ingredients from China. The directive from Mission Foods Corp. and Tyson...

