Photo Hunt ~ Bad Hair by Charybdis
The ultimate in bad hair is having your tail shaved. The nasty infection is all gone and Mommy promised my hair would grow back ONE DAY. I hope it is soon!!!
Scylla Sunday
These are old pictures. I am happy to report my tail has healed, although it is still hairless. This was right before I went to the vet. I spent the night on my comfy pillow bed and early the next morning Mommy stuck me in the PTU and off to the vet we...
Scylla Needs Purrs
My tail got hurted. I had to go to the vet today and they shaved my tail and sewed it back together. I am a very lucky lady even though the blood vessels and nerves were exposed they were intact and if all goes well I will get to keep my tail. Mommy promises...
Mad Monday With Scylla
I am all WET and I is .................................... MAD!!!!!!!!!! Mommy was very rude she gave me a bath but instead of drying me off she just dumped me outside. It'll take forever to get my furs fixed. Mommy how would you like it if...
Alasandra's Day
I discovered a new rescue Wednesday. It's housed at Today's Hair's old location. Today's Hair is where I go to get my hair fixed once in a blue moon. The rescue is Gulf Coast Canine Rescue & Rehab located at 2953 Bienville Boulevard...
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