Photo Hunters ~ Old Fashioned by Scylla & Charybdis

Photo Hunters ~ Old Fashioned by Scylla & Charybdis

OLD FASHIONED paper sacks are much better for playing in, then those plastic things Mommy gets at Wal-Mart. You can't see Charybdis in this picture cause she is hiding in the sack. But she can't escape from the vicious Scylla who attacks her sack and all.


- Mancat Monday ~ Christmas Past (2007)
 Charybdis is chasing a red dot.  We all wanted to check out what was going on Christmas. Scylla is in the lead here.  And that red dot managed to tire the kittens out.  This is one of my favorite ornaments. Charybdis ready to pounce,...

- Scylla Sunday
Mom!!!! Mom!!!! Mom!!!! the guy in the brown shorts is here with a package from Mango. We got all the answers to his blogaversary quiz right. You can read about it here. This is for me! I'll wait to open it Scylla is very impatient to see what the...

- A Picture Game By Scylla
My boyfriend, Brian, from Brian's Home tagged me. The rules are you have to find your first photo folder, scroll down to the 10th photo, post that photo and tell the story behind it; you must then tag 5 other bloggers to play the game.  Oh this...

- Twins On Tuesday ~ Scylla & Charybdis Do The Honest Meme
Derby the Sassy Cat gave us this pawsome award. See Socks' post below for the rules and all that. We thought we would show you this old picture of us that was trapped on Mommy's cell phone before we get started. It's not very good quality...

- Socks ~ Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest
If you go here you can enter the Spay Day 2009 Online Pet Photo Contest, or you can vote (that cost money) for your favourite pet. So far me and Scylla have both entered. We don't expect anyone to vote for us as we know $ are hard to come by these...

