

I have decided that I may need to rename our little red buck.
His given name is Fred.

Fred was born last spring...one of twins belonging to O'Malley,
the other being Sally, his sister.

Fred has lived with the other stinky Bucks since summer.
But Fred is as different from the other Bucks as one could
possibly be.

He is smaller, sweeter, friendlier, and does not exhibit any of those
annoying buck behaviors.
Testosterone doesn't make Fred crazy, like it does the others.
Poor Fred is low man on the totem pole, in the buck pen.
He tries to avoid confrontation,
and when the others fight, 
he steers clear of the mayhem.

Unfortunately, though, he can't steer clear of Smoochie,

who thinks dear Fred is he own personal "buddy"...
and not the kind of buddy that anyone would want to be.  
(But more like the kind of buddy one would expect to become in prison.)
Yes, THAT kind of buddy.

That is why all of Fred's lovely white fur is filthy dirty.
Smoochie is constantly climbing on Fred,
wiping his urine stained undercarriage all over Fred's white fur.

Poor Fred.

He just needs to grow a little and become a little more assertive.
Until then we will just have to call him 'Pigpen".

By the way, Fred may be small and unassertive,
but Fred is going to be a Daddy this Spring.

I can hardly wait to see what his kids will look like!

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