Preparing For A Colder Snap

Preparing For A Colder Snap

It was a balmy 33 degrees yesterday morning as I did morning chores.
Thirty three seems so warm, that I removed my coat and did chores in my
turtleneck and flannel shirt.

By afternoon, though, the wind whistled through the trees...
sending snow twirling in funnels across the pastures...
and plummeting our temperatures downward.
The silver lining was this brilliant blue sky... a rare sight, lately!

Apparently my Canadian friends are graciously loaning us a bit of their air mass,
and bitter cold is moving in to our area.
I will be doing chores in the negative degrees over the next couple of days.
Brrrrrrrrrrr.  Thank you.

We've learned to not let a little cold get us down, though.
We will keep the henhouses closed up to retain warmth...
no hen party in the cafe tomorrow, gals!

The horses will get generous helpings of hay over the next several days.

The goats have a little extra hay inside their houses for insulation...
and for snacking indoors!

(The same for the pigs.)

I suspect that MaryAnn will not be coming out for her daily fountain drink
once the cold weather arrives.

(They'll stay nestled in their bed of hay beneath the warmth of their heat lamp.)
Beneath the heat lamps in the barn, I happened to catch a rare scene...

Grumpy Ella Bella almost never shares her bed with another.
However, yesterday she was curled up with TomTom.
I think she may be mellowing in her old age!

I am using this time to work on Wedding projects.
Amongst yesterday's projects were these...

(There were more, too...but I cannot show you everything...
you must wait for the big day!)

I also sewed a few of these "Baprons" (silly name if you ask me)...
they are a cross between a bib and an apron...
providing excellent protection for clothes beneath.

The above one is sized for 24 months to 3T.

These two are 6 - 18 month size,
and are cotton on the outside and flannel on the inside.

I thought a little more about Daisy G.'s question...
What is the best and worst part of owning a farm?

For me, the absolute worst part is saying goodbye to my beloved friends as they pass.
And we have said our share of goodbyes over the years!
However, the good always outweighs the bad...and I wouldn't trade this life
for any other! 

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