Purrs 4 Peace Week 30 Announcement: Break Those Chains

Purrs 4 Peace Week 30 Announcement: Break Those Chains

We are purring with Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 30 Announcement: Break Those Chains.

We don't completely agree with this. Mommy had to chain her Border Collie, Sir Lass because he could jump their fence, and it was a very tall 6 foot fence. He wasn't chained all the time though. Only when they were gone and he was able get in his dog house and walk around his pen and reach his food and water. But if their had been laws that prevented you from chaining your dog they would have had to get rid of him or break the law. Also after Katrina many people on the Gulf Coast had to chain their dogs for awhile because their fences were destroyed and sometimes even their houses were destroyed. Because their was so much destruction it took awhile for people to be able to get the materials they needed to repair their fences and if their homes were destroyed sometimes the fences had to wait. So even though people mean well when they make a law against chaining a dog it can actually back fire sometimes.

So we are just purring that all dogs are given the love and companionship they deserve and we understand that sometimes there is a good reason for the doggie being chained.

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