Purrs for Friends

Purrs for Friends

Graphic by Zoolatry
Poor Mahoney has something wrong with her spine. Please go by Marg's Pets and give her some healing purrs, she sure does need them.

Maine Doll misses her doggie, Mufaza and could use purrs of comfort.

- Woofie Wednesday
 We won these lovely pillowcases sometime back. Mommy was saving them for the future guest bedroom because she was going to do a Doggie theme in there but the guest bedroom never came to be as Daddy co-opted Eldest old room for a gym. Mommy got the...

- Scylla Sunday
 Mom, Mom, I thinks there is a bug in this flowerbed.  Are you going to come see about it?  Socks is taking care of it for us. He is a good big brother. Mommy on the other hand is a lousy photographer.  I wanted Socks to play with...

- We Are Purring For Ginger Jasper & Skeezix
Graphic by ZoolatryGinger Jasper has been a very good friend to us. His thoughtfulness when Charybdis ran off to the rainbow bridge helped us get through a very hard time, so we are very upset to learn that he isn't eating like he should.  We...

- For All Our Friends Fighting Cancer
Graphic Courtesy of ZoolatrySo many of our friends both  human and furry are fighting the dreadful C. We just wanted to let you know that we are rooting for you and that we has our paws crossed you whip the Big C's A**.  Hugs, healing purrs...

- Farewell Peepers
Peepers from Marg's Pets had to go to the Rainbow Bridge. We know Marg misses Peepers lots and would appreciate some comforting purrs. ...

