Rainsville pushes up kill date

Rainsville pushes up kill date

We are very sad to learn that heartless Rainsville will kill Carrol's dogs Feb 1st, if she doesn't rehome them before then. Read more at Jan's Funny Farm: February 1st. JFF is having computer issues, so we really appreciate the trouble they went to to make sure everyone was updated about Rainsville moving the date up.

- Jan's Funny Farm: Carrol Crocker...urgent Need
Remember Carrol Crocker's Dogs at Rainsville, AL. Well eight of them still need to be rescued. You can read more at Jan's Funny Farm: Carrol Crocker...Urgent Need. While you are at JFF check out Merci's U-Tube video. You can see the difference...

- Rainsville, Alabama Update ~ Urgent 12 Dogs Need Homes
We are very happy to report that one of Carrol Crocker's thirteen doggies got a home. But time is running out for the remaining twelve doggies. The city of Rainsville will kill nine of them if they are not rehomed before February 1st. Carrol will...

- Rainsville, Alabama Will Kill 31 Dogs If They Are Not Rehomed Asap
Mico is still one of the 31 dogs that need a new home. We had hoped to rescue him, but he needs a fenced in yard which we don't have. Carroll was also hoping that whoever took Mico would take Sheeba too as they are dear friends and senior doggies....

- Terrible Tuesday
We are very thankful to learn that more doggies have been rescued from Rainsville, AL. Read Jan's Funny Farm: Down to 34 Dogs to find out more, but we think it's terrible the city of Rainsville now has the green light to kill the remaining 34...

- 50 Dogs Still Need To Be Rescued From Rainsville, Al
We are very thankful that Ratchet made it safely to the U.S. visit Jan's Funny Farm: Ratchet is Rescued to read more. Sadly 50 of the dogs at Carrol Crocker's still need to be rescued from Rainsville, AL. Click here to view the remaining dogs....

