Reaching For New Heights

Reaching For New Heights

Well, the guinea keats are just 3 weeks old and already they are flying and getting around like more mature birds. When I went into their house last evening to fill their food and water, I found three of them on the top rung of their ladder perch. By the time I snapped this photo, one had hopped down, rung by rung and was almost at the bottom and a second had flown right down; leaving one remaining keat on the top...

Look very closely and you will see one remaining light colored keat on the top of the ladder and the darker keat on the bottom rung. What wacky birds they are....always performing some sort of crazy antic. Obviously, no fear of heights in these youngsters!

- A Few Weekend Moments
Our weekend flew by...a moment at a time.We found a balance between work and play...and had the pleasure of a visit from our favorite pink fairy. (I finished knitting her Christmas stocking on Friday.) Here are a few of our moments... Our weekend started...

- I Lean
I'ts early morning,and the girls and I are heading to the henhouse.Oakley is way ahead of us.Sadie will bring up the rear.There is someone that I would like you to meet.... Meet Eileen.(I Lean) She is a one of a kind chicken.She is one of the nicer...

- Guinea Update
This past summer's guinea keats are all now full grown and spending their days doing that guinea "thing".At this point, I can honestly say that their "training" has paid off. For the past week, now, they have routinely returned to their house to roost...

- Baby Steps
I have come to the conclusion that guinea fowl are not the sharpest tools in the shed. It seems to take forever for them to learn new behavior. Our 24 keets are now large enough to safely go out into their yard and not be able to escape through the fencing....

- Vacation Projects
Hubbs has been home all week on vacation...definitely a treat for Sadie, Maddie and myself. What a luxury to have help with the chores. Not to mention the pleasure of having another human to converse with during the day. Normally my days are spent in...

