Relaxation and Celebration

Relaxation and Celebration

Because there is a never-ending list of work to be done,
it is imperative that we occasionally be intentional about just relaxing and enjoying
our wonderful surroundings.
I take a little time each day,
but Hubbs...who works away from the farm... sometimes needs a little reminder to 
kick back and just relax.

Last evening, as I was breaking in the pizza oven...
(it requires small fires for three days to dry everything out)
I thought it the perfect opportunity to just relax and hang out in front of the fire.

With the smoker going...burning wood to supply the necessary coals for
putting into the oven... I decided to save energy and throw several
chicken breasts on the smoker for dinner.

A salad from the garden would round the meal out...

with a little wine... to toast the completion of the pavilion.

With our friends...Oakley, Sam and Maddie... and a couple barn kitties,
we sat in front of the fire and enjoyed our meal.

Sometimes we have to remind ourselves to breath deeply and just rest.
And that is just what we did!
A romantic dinner by the fire with our best friends (4 legged)
was just what we needed.

I have to share with you what life is like with a big old Newfie.
Here is Maddie before dinner.

Here is Maddie when she realized there was a little chicken left over for her...

Newfies and drool go together like white on rice!

Everybody got a little chicken treat...
and everybody enjoyed the time together by the fire!

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