Rod's Final Roost

Rod's Final Roost

We are faced with decisions pertaining to animal welfare quite often around here.
And I am happy to say that most times we get it right.

Baby Rod Stewart 2009
Once in a great while, however, we wish we could get a "do-over".
This weekend presented us with one of those times...
a time when our decision did not work out well.

Rod Stewart 2010
We lost Rod Stewart this weekend.
Our four year old Polish crested rooster disappeared...
most likely to the wiles of a nighttime predator.

Sadly, I can only say that it was our fault.
If only we could turn back the hands of time.

We would have waded deep into the brush, through poison ivy,
over multiple dead tree trunks and limbs to snatch ole Rod from his
nighttime perch to gently place him into the safety of the henhouse.

But alas, we decided to stop fighting him...
to allow him his so-desired freedom,
and let him roost where he chose.

It was a bad decision.
The first night was fine... lulling us into a false sense of security.
The second night...
Rod disappeared.

Dear Rod...
you were a funny rooster,
your actions as wacky as your looks!
May you roost in peace.

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