Romeo Roy Boy

Romeo Roy Boy

Roy Boy, our newest rooster, has come of age.
He has, like every other adolescent boy....

discovered girls!

You might remember that Roy Boy was surprise rooster
amongst our chicks that we started this summer.

Roy Boy was moved to the barn when his hen-mates joined the layers.
And for the first few weeks, he contented himself with hanging out around the barn
with Elton and Number 6.

Recently, however, he has been making the trek up past the garden,

past the upper pastures, and up to the chicken yard by the goats.

There he munches on scratch and patiently waits for the gate to open for free ranging.

He is joined by Tom and Chuck, who also love to hang out with the chickens...

As you can see by Tom's tail, he is just coming off of this summer's molt.

Around noon, the layers are allowed the run of the farm
and RoyBoy is one happy fellow!
(You may not recognize it, but he is smiling!)

I have talked before about the signs that nature gives us when the season changes.
One familiar Autumn sight on the farm is the flocking of the grackles.

Each Autumn, the grackles, blackbirds, and cowbirds all join together
in huge flocks before flying a little farther south for the Winter.
Ground feeders, they all swoop in like a black cloud...
filling our yard and our trees with their noisy chatter.

And then as quickly as they came,
they take off again and land in the tree tops of our 100 acre wood.
They will be in the area for several days, gathering a large flock,
before heading out for the Winter.

I promised you a peek at the quilt that I worked on this weekend....
I had the center panel, a picture of Olivia the Pig for several years.
This summer I had bought the rest of the prints in the quilt and
recently realized how well they would all mix.
So...... voila!

I also made a matching bunting,
that can be hung on the wall for decoration.
Hopefully there will be a little girl in my future who would like this in her room!

- The Saga Of Roy Boy
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- A Surprise
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- I Need An Answer
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- Goat Herding
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- The Chicken (s)coop
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