Running With the Big Dogs

Running With the Big Dogs

Well, the cold weather hit us hard.
Fruit trees that were in blossom will have lasting effects...
the rest of us will move on.

Yesterday brought sunshine (cold temps) and bright blue skies.
Hubbs finished work a little early,
giving us time for a hike (jog).

If you are tired of Annie pictures,
I must apologize...
for today you will have to endure just a few more!

Every day Annie's world gets a little bigger.
Yesterday she took a huge leap into the extended world of the farm.

Oakley, Sam, Annie, Hubbs and I headed into the woods for a long hike...
our destination was the "field of dreams",
a meadow in the midst of our woods.

Along the way we sniffed every inch of the woods that we could.

So much is to be learned from Sam...

And Oakley...

I can see the wheels turning in her head as she watches them freely explore nature.

(One day, Annie, you too will get to explore freely...but until you are completely trustworthy,
your exploring will be done on the end of a leash.)

On the way back home, we stopped to do a bit of visiting.

Annie:  "Now that's a big dog!"

"Those fat girls are a little intimidating!"

Sammy:  "Hi Ginger, wanna meet our new sister?"

I have a feeling Annie will eventually be good friends with Ginger and MaryAnn.

Annie:  "They're not scary at all!"

One week ago, this little pup kept her tail between her legs.  Two weeks ago, she screamed
when anyone approached her.
Just look at her now!
That tail wags non-stop.
Welcome to our world, Annie...
it's a pretty great place!

- Goodbye Annie
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