Saturday Sharing

Saturday Sharing

What do these things have in common?

Here is a better picture, now can you guess???

They are all __________________. 

Kaleidoscopes. Mr & Mrs Santa came to live with us in 2011 when we won them at an Auction for Blueberry. Sadly we learned that Blueberry has recently gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  We always thought of her when we got Mr. & Mrs Santa out, so when Mommy decided to put all the kaleidoscopes including them on this shelf, we thought of her and went to visit her blog. We were so sad to learn she had made the journey to The Rainbow Bridge.

The egg with the marbles and the blue one came from San Diego. Daddy got them for Mommy at a shop he likes to visit, called Designs in Shells. He also got Mommy a blue egg Christmas ornament from there, but it isn't a kaleidoscope.

- Thursday Not In The Garden
 Mommy hasn't had a chance to take any pictures outside so we thought we would show you our tree.  The Angel Whiskers Ornament.  The Blue Egg Daddy got from Sandy Eggo.  The Angel Charybdis Ornament.  Eldest Boy Bean made...

- Addio Opus
We were very sad to learn our dear friend Opus has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Opus blogged @ Cat Naps in Italy along with his sister Olive. His brother and littermate Roscoe went to the Rainbow Bridge in September of 2008. Goodness Gracie is his aunt...

- Scylla Was Tagged
I was tagged by my boyfriend Brian so I guess that means I’m it. If you don’t know Brian, you should visit him, he works really hard to get cats adopted into loving homes. He has lots of questions for me to answer so I guesses I better get started....

- Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas ~Alasandra, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis One of our family traditions is to get a new ornament for the tree every year. This year Daddy got Mommy a blue egg when he was in San Diego. Isn't it pretty and sparkly? It came from Designs...

- Have Scylla & Charybdis Been Naughty Or Nice?
We will have a BLUE Christmas, Mommy said it was very naughty to kill Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer when we were fighting. His corpse is laying by the speaker (Sockie~Pooh says that Mommy can fix him, so maybe Santa will forgive us and our Christmas won't...

