Scafflaw Week ~ Day one for AFSS

Scafflaw Week ~ Day one for AFSS

Mommy says she hopes it is the last day we participate.The hostess for Scafflaw Week is our dear friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential.  We don't have any pictures of our kitty misdeeds as the photographer was too grossed out/busy cleaning up to take any.

Socks started things off with projectile vomiting, all over the study. He broke the unwritten rule no throwing up in a room with carpet. We kitties are pretty good about getting on the laminated floor to hack up our furballs. Of course no furball hacking was involved in this activity. Socks spewed vomit all over the chair he was sitting in, the kitty cube (the blue one Thank Cat), the carpet and Daddy's motorcycle boots. Mommy's fault of course she gave him MILK.

Artemisia peed in the study, and the rest of us cats are kinda hissed off at her cause she peed on the Catnip Mat. She only got a little bit on the carpet but she FLOODED our Catnip Mat. Mommy says the lining soaked the pee up nicely before it got in the carpet. This is Daddy's fault cause she was meowing to be let in the garage and he IGNORED HER.

Unidentified Cat, pooped on youngest boy bean's bed. Mommy says at least she can throw the comforter in the washing machine. Well really everybody had runned off somewhere and there was no one available to open doors for the poor unidentified cat. But  Mommy  is really tired of cleaning up after us beast, and has a suggestion for Fin.

Alasandra: Fin dear, next time you have an activity for kitties to participate in could it be WELL BEHAVED KITTY WEEK?  I would REALLY appreciate your considering it. You are such a gorgeous kitty, I know you never intended me to spend my day cleaning up cat vomit, poop and pee.

Our Wordless Wednesday post is under this one.

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