Scared to death Mommy

Scared to death Mommy

Fenris pup with a breaking news update. Remember that plank you saw youngest boybean walking across a couple of days ago. The one Mommy claimed she could walk across. Well we were going for our walk when Mommy decided to prove that she could walk across it. Since she didn't want to fall off she was carefully watching where she put her bare feet and moving pretty slow and then she looked down and saw ................................................. A LARGE COTTONY WHITE MOUTH WITH FANGS. Once her brain identified it she was scared witless (Her horse, Red the Second, got bit by one and nearly died so Mommy is deathly afraid of them). Thankfully I was in Good Fen mode and not I'll do what I please mode and minded Mommy when she said BACK NOW. We ran (and frankly I didn't know Mommy could move that fast) back to the house and interrupted Daddy putting shocks on the truck to come kill it. And Mommy collected all the cats and threw them in the house. She said this was one time they were not snoopervising for their own good. Daddy really didn't believe it was a COTTONMOUTH MOCCASSIN until he killed it and got a good look at it's mouth. Honestly when Mommy gives a 100% ID he should know it's good, cause most of the time she just says she saw a snake (no idea what kind), she recognized this one right off the bat. Anyway there will not be anymore walking across the plank for us. Mommy is afraid where there is one there may be more so's we are staying a safe distance away from the pond. Sorry there aren't any pictures but Mommy said we were LOCO if we thought she was going to get close enough to take a picture even after Daddy deaded it.

- Mommy Is Going To Kill You Stupid Beaver
This is what is left of our purple wisteria. Mommy is very sad. We thinks the beaver chewed it down. It doesn't realize that it has just had a War on Beaver declared. Mommy tried this Scouts Solution (when half the wisteria was still there) but it...

- Fenris Friday
I had the best time last weekend. The Mom meet one of her girlfriends at the beach and guess what??????? She took me with her. I got to walk on the beach. OK, technically we were on the sidewalk but I could see the water and the boats. There were other...

- Fenris Here
I am feeling much better this morning. That's the good news!!!!! The bad news is staying inside is a drag, at least I don't have to stay in the crate 100% of the time. The vet said I can be out inside (where I can't run) but can walk around....

- Trails On Tuesday By Fenris
Youngest boy bean is going on a walk with us. He can walk across this board, I can't. Mommy says most doggies would just run through the water as it is not very deep here, but I don't like getting my feet wet or muddy. So me and Mommy had to take...

- Charybdis' Tale
Human English is so confusing, I have a beautiful tail and I have a tale to tell. Tail, tale, and tell all sound alike to me, but Mommy says I have to spell them differently. Anyway this is my tale about going to MSU. We left for Grandma & Grandpa's...

