

It's what's for dinner!

It's sad but true that our dear chickens eat better than some humans do...
but that's a subject for another day.
We give our chickens kitchen scraps...
peelings, leftovers...
anything that a human can eat... a chicken can eat.

I do, however, avoid citrus as that can weaken their egg shells.

And I give them no onions or garlic as I have heard it reported that this can give the eggs
a strong taste of the same.

Other than that... they get yummy snacks from the kitchen,
almost on a daily basis.

Let me tell you, these gals get quite excited when they see me carrying a pan of scraps...
they come running from all corners of the pastures!

- The Hows And Whys Of Being A Zoo Chef
One of the favorite parts of my day is reading your comments, questions and emails!I try to answer each in some form or another,but every so often a comment becomes the next day's blog post. And so it is, today. Yesterday Tee asked:Can you tell us...

- Everyone Loves A Treat!
There's an incredible amount of excitement around the compost pile. A new shipment of kitchen waste arrived yesterday,and the chickens are just ecstatic! Every week or two, I bring home five gallon pails full of kitchen scrapsfrom our favorite local...

- The Ultimate Recycling Project
Here on the farm, we are committed to recycling as much as we possibly can. We compost whatever kitchen scraps we have (that the chickens won't eat). We compost our manure and leaves. We try to find a use for everything. This winter we had several...

- The Long And The Short Of Egg Production
Currently, we have about 30 layers....producing about 15 (plus or minus) eggs a day. We have a dozen more Rhode Island Red adolescents that will begin to lay later this winter. The amazing thing to me is the variety of color and size that we get in any...

- We Just Love Our Chickens!
There is no better investment on a farm than chickens. For the low price that you pay for just- hatched chicks and the low cost to feed layers (they just love the vegetarian table scraps that they get!), you get so much value back in return. Our eggs...

