Scylla Endorses

Scylla Endorses

Well the fur has really been flying and the litter is being slung as we speak but one candidate stands out for his low key humble approach. I doubt you will hear Brain say a mean thing about anyone he is just tooooooo nice. Brian (Brain's Home) is a true gentlemancat.

He is faithful - he hasn't looked at another girlcat since he asked me to be his girlfriend. I thinks faithfulness is very important in a leader.

He is loyal.

He is a good friend, and I am sure his sisters will tell you he is a good brother cat.

He is smart. He asked me to be his girlfriend didn't he, what more proof do you need.

He is handsome. I agreed to be his girlfriend didn't I.

And Kitty Action Team helped Brian find his home so he could be my boyfriend so I thinks they are just pawsome.

So these are just a few of the reasons  I am endorsing Brian for Zee & Zoey’s First Annual Cat Ruler of the World Campaign for a Cause Contest Extravaganza!

Brian didn't ask me to endorse him and I hopes this post is a pleasant surprise and I didn't step on any toes.  ~Scylla

PS: There is another Arty post up on her memory Blog.

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