Scylla Got an Award & MoMo is a Covergirl

Scylla Got an Award & MoMo is a Covergirl

Criz, the script writer of CCSI III – The Missing Mummy Caper, presented this Excellence award to the production team members, crews and casts (Scylla was one of the townsfolk) of CCSI III for a job well done.

MoMo is on the cover of Catsophere.

- Saturday Sharing ~ Thanks Ellie & Star
The lovely ladycat Ellie from Friends FurEver gave me the Opposites Attract Award. Thanks you so much Ellie.  This is such a pretty award. I loves having it for my very own. I also received this award from Star who blogs at Life with Ragdolls. ...

- Thanks Jan's Funny Farm ~ Happy Cat
JFF passed this pawsome award on to us  The only thing the awardees have to do is to list 5 things that make them happy, link to the blog that has given them the award (that is JFF in our case) so that the others can check it out, sit back and...

- We Received The Superior Scribbler Award
The Superior Scribbler Award was started by The Scholastic Scribe to celebrate their 200th post. To read more about the Superior Scribbler Award click HERE. As with every award, there’re some rules that need to be followed: 1. Each Superior Scribbler...

- What We Are Doing Tomorrow
While the beans are busy digging holes in our yard, we are going over to Sassy's to watch CCSI IV, The Momomo Caper. We can't wait to see what it's about! Do you think it has anything to do with Sock's girlfriend MoMo? As for the holes...

- Knock, Knock
Our friends at Camie's Kitties are having a fund-raiser to help Lilly Lu, Mu Shue, Iris and their mom who lost their home in a fire. This is how it works: (Thanks for telling us about it Daisy) ...we would like for everyone to post their favorite...

