Scylla on Sunday

Scylla on Sunday

Daddy wonders why I always sleep with my paws over my eyes. Maybe it's cause my naps are interrupted by that flashy thing. I have been reading Lord of the Rings. It is a very entertaining book even if it was written by a bean. Alas it is very long so I had to take a little nap in the middle of it.

The book shelf is one of my favourite places to hang out. I can supervise Mommy in the kitchen and watch the guys play Halo in the family room at the same time.

- Shelved
 Daddy has been very industrious. He put some shelves over the Washing Machine and Dryer for Mommy. He also hung up the heart thing she got years ago. Mommy says it is perfect to hang the dog leashes on.  She also put the Dog Treats on the shelf...

- Scafflaw Week ~ Scylla
The hostess for Scafflaw Week is our dear friend Fin over at Housecat Confidential. I didn't break any rules on day one so we figured Day 2 would be all mine. First off when we were rounded up to go sleep in the garage I hid under Mom & Dad's...

- Easy Like Sunday Morning By Charybdis
Sunday is a good day to relax. Here I am taking a nap on Mommy's hat. She wears it when she is working in the garden so she won't get sunburned. Now it is time for a bath. Now that I am all clean I am going to read a book. This is mine and Mommy's...

- Exciting Plans
First I have several field trips planned. Indian Shell Mound Park will not only provide us with an example of an Indian Mound, I have heard the birding is wonderful. We also plan to go to Emerald Mound, which will provide us with better examples and more...

- American Literature ~civil War Unit
A Taste of Freedom by Tommie Thompson. I am rather disappointed in the book. To me the reading level is 4th grade, but due to the content I wouldn't introduce it until at least Junior High. I have been in two mind about using it as the reading level...

