Scylla Sunday #HillsPet

Scylla Sunday #HillsPet

Many of you know I won the Metabolic Diet from Hills in a contest. For those who missed my original announcement you can read the post here. Well the foods finally arrived in the mail. As you can see I got dry food, canned food, treats and a nice cloth bag to keep it all in. We also got coupons to buy more foods. I have been a little slow starting the diet due to my injured tail. Mommy didn't want to do anything to stress me out and impede my recovery. But we are starting the diet now. I LOVE the canned food and everything else is OK.

I wants to encourage anyone who has a portly pet to take their pet to the vet and discuss a safe weight loss plan for your pet.

While diet is impawtant exercise also plays a role in weight loss, I am doing my kitty yoga here.

This is Kitty Savasana pose.

I challenged Mommy to try the pose but she declined.

And of course after a good work out you needs a nap. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD

Happy Father's Day!

- Weighty Wednesday
Some of you know the dreadful word OBESE was applied to me. Large fat deposits over the chest, back, tail base and hindquarters. The abdomen sags prominently and there is no waist when viewed from above.  Yep, that was me. Now I am pleased to announce...

- Snuggle Sunday
I am snuggling with my Kitty friend Sky. I had to knock the pillow out of the way first. Sky has lots of gossip to tell me. And the pillow is comfy. When Mommy fixed the bed back I climbed on top of it for a nap. Several of you have asked questions about...

- Scylla Sunday
I LOVES this box. Not only is it a good box to lay in but do you know what was in it? Canned catfood. Mommy has had trouble finding my diet canned catfood at the grocery store and she didn't feel like driving to Petsmart so she ordered it online....

- Scylla Sunday
Some of you have asked how I am doing on my diet. I thinks I am doing well. Mommy choose to get me diet cat food rather then restrict my portions. For one thing I screams when I wants food till the humans gives it to me and for another when they restricted...

- Scylla Sunday
 I am helping Mommy water the plants, that coupled with my diet cat food should help me get my girlish figure back. I wants to assure you that Mommy LOVES me no matter how I look, but I needs to lose weight to be healthy and happy. I had gained...

