Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

The story from my point of view, which is of course the only view that MATTERS. I had to go help Mommy find Socks as it was time to eat and he was AWOL, he was being held hostage by O'Malley the Alley Cat.

A fearsome predator from the wrong side of the tracks. I knew right away I had to rescue my brother and protect the Mom for this desperado.

I tried to look fearsome to run him off. ( I took a selfie to demonstrate)

But Socks intervened. Seems he was friendly with this miscreant.

I have heard of having friends in low places, but really you shouldn't bring them home with you.

Fenris agreed with me. Desperadoes have no place in our yard.

After Mommy picked Socks up to ferry him to the house because he is to lazy to walk, I got back to running the miscreant off. He went without a fight. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

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