Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I am hanging out with the Yoga Kittens.

Sometimes I like them and we are BFF.

Other times they get on my last nerve and I chase them down the hall yelling, screaming, growling and hissing. If Fenris is in the house he fusses at me for being MEAN, so I has to remember to make sure he is outside before I throw a Hissy Fit.

(Yin: I really don't see how I could get on anyone's nerves, but Daddy and Scylla both say I am EVIL. Do I look EVIL to you?)

I heard the brat trying to steal my blog post, I am sure her and Yang have enough post without stealing MINE.

I am grooming in case Brian comes over and I made sure there is room on the bed for him.

Maybe he could bring his sisters and they could keep the Yoga Kittens entertained for awhile. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday
 I am relaxing on the bed. I have decided to befriend the kittens, they are very useful. I can send them to get into mischief so that they get yelled at instead of ME.  Mommy was playing around with the camera settings so the pictures are...

- Dona Nobis Pacem #blog4peace #blogblast4peace
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- Mancat Monday
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- It's Time For Yoga
These little guys are taking up all our peoples time. Youngest named Yin and Yang, and Yang loves to sleep on him. Poor little Yang, hard to believe a few days ago he almost died. He is back to being an energetic little kitten. Yin loves to play, she...

