Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I thinks Mommy is spying on me AGAIN.

Last week when the weather was nice Mommy came outside and did some weeding. The beds look much better now that she has the dead stuffs out of them. I am happy to report the Greenhouse is finished, and the flowers in pots are nicely tucked away inside them for the winter.

 And since it is Sunday I am letting Lady Meara post her selfie.
 ~Scylla, meowing for ATCAD

- Scylla Sunday ~ The Yoga Kittens Have To Go, Cause I Said So
I smell KITTENS in MY Hummingbird Cottage. The BAD Mommy brought them down here to play. They are suppose to be FOSTER Kittens, they are suppose to be gone by now, but NO! now everybody wants them to stay, even MY Friends in Blogville. I hiss and growl...

- Family Friday
Mommy and the Boy Beans went to see Grandma & Grandpa for Easter. Mommy took these pictures at our house while she was waiting for Eldest to get here, so they could leave. She was very happy to see these little pink flowers came back. They are annuals...

- Scylla Sunday
 Way back on January 29th it was in the 70s and we went outside, me to play and Mommy to weed.  There are lots of birds fluttering around.  Fenris and Tuiren wish they could hang out at the Hummingbird Cottage with us. They are sitting...

- Thursday In The Garden
 This is one of our Kalanchoes, we has a yellow one too, but it is not blooming.  Mommy was pleasantly suprised at how well this one has done.   A little wildflower that is living in a pot in the greenhouse. Mommy loves how delicate...

- Flowers On Friday By Scylla
These pictures were taken November 6th. Many of our kitty friends that live further north then we do were surprised we still had flowers this late into the fall. We still had flowers and butterflies until the night of November 18th. That night Jack Frost...

