Scylla Sunday
We just love the purple Superbells.
The red, yellow and whites ones are pretty too.
I am so happy the Cape Honeysuckle is blooming the Hummingbirds just LOVE it.
Yep, this picture was taken before the tail mishap. I am glad to report the tail is on the road to recovery. I am looking forward to the hair growing back.
The Lion's Tail, the Hummingbirds like it too.
You can't tell from the picture but the blooms feel fuzzy.
Our Clematis, it is doing really well this year.
The white roses.
Once the roses are through blooming Mommy will trim them up. The vicious rosebush is going to get it's branches cut off. Mommy says they will grow back and have more blooms.
Personally I thinks she should chop it to the ground.
The Grancy Graybeard.
Swam Iris.
And Azalea with Grancy Graybeard. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD
Thankful Thursday In The Garden
The Shasta Daisy's are doing well. Mommy grew them from seeds. The Butterflyweed didn't come back in this bed so we made Mommy get us some more. It is already blooming. The roses are stunning, even the ones on the vicious rosebush that attacked...
Feline Friday
The vicious rosebush that attacked me sure is pretty. It was taking up the whole end of the flowerbed. I tried to leap over it from the chair, Mommy says eve Super Kitty couldn't have made that leap. Before my tail got injured I...
Thursday In The Garden
Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage. Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...
Thursday In The Garden
We thought we would start the garden tour down at the Butterfly Garden. He is the Grancy Graybeard, with it's pretty white blooms. The Vitex, we are looking forward to seeing it bloom. Pink Verbena. The bees like it. The Chinese...
Working Wednesday By Artemisia
I is sitting by the Sweet Shrub, if it ever blooms it is suppose to smell good. Something has been eating it's leaves. I told Mommy to spray it, I hope she followed my instructions. Our Gaura looks gorgeous, it lived all winter,...