Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

What am I doing?


No you really don't see a mouse by my paw.

Oh bother it is running away.

Bye, bye mousie..............

What you think I should chase it, you have to be kidding.

That would involve moving and I am very happy where I am at.

Oh, you want me to come down to the Hummingbird Cottage with you, why didn't you say so.

The Sniffie Roses are looking gorgeous.

The are such a vibrant color red.

The Mums are looking nice.

Daddy's Wildflowers are doing good.

The Stokes Aster is doing nicely down at the Butterfly Garden and I has to say the Garden looks a lot better now that Daddy did the weed eating.

You really need to get busy weeding Mommy.

Lets go sit in the Hummingbird Cottage for awhile.

I just love the roses.

And we can admire the Butterfly Garden. Glad you got the Verbena bed weeded.

The Bottlebush is looking good too.

Oh, you thinks I am looking good too. Well thank you kindly..

You may take another picture of me with Mr. Mouse. ~Scylla reporting for Alasandra, The Cats & Dogs

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