Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

Socks is being very rude, he is sticking his tongue out at me. He says I do not know how to hunt.

We are going on a safari, I bet Socks I could catch a lizard or mouse before he could.  Socks choose to hunt for a mouse, he thinks there are some in the wildflower bed.

I am going to stick with lizards, there are tons of them in the Hummingbird Cottage. We thinks they like laying on the rocks when they get hots from the sunshines.

Hunting for lizards is hard work so I am going to relax for awhile. Who knows one may climb up in the lounge chair with me.

Socks is taking a more active approach on his quest for mice.

Our Veronica Speedwell is blooming isn't it a lovely color bllue.

Socks' laser eyes are focused on his prey.

I am taking time to smell the roses.

And admire the Sky Flower. ~Scylla

PS: Socks won the bet (rats).

- Once Upon A Time...
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- Mancat Monday
Happy Labor Day everyone. The Hummingbird Cottage is one of my favorite spots to hang out. There are tons of lizards here to chase. And interesting birds, butterflies and moths flitting around. And today I has a special visitor.............................

- Mancat Monday
 Arty and I are looking for varmints. It is very important to keep your garden varmint free.  I don't see any here.  The Hummingbird Cottage is over run with LIZARDS. Do any of you want to come help me catch lizards? Thanks for the...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Admiring all the fall color in our garden. The Cuphea is pawsome. And isn't the Veronica pretty with it's blue spires.  The lizards also like to play in the flowerbeds. I keep a sharp eye out for them.  The zinnias smell good....

- Party! Party! Party!!!!
Socks, MoMo and some other bad kitties went clubbing last night and worried Mommy sick. Apparently they thought Mommy wouldn't miss them with all the other cats and dogs here. They seem to be very sleep tonight, so we needs to be quiet...

