Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I just love the red roses they smells so good.

And the red mums make me smile. The will be gone soon because it is getting too hot for them.

This flowerbed is like a jungle, there is so much in there.

Roses are so romantic. Brian do you want to come sit in the Hummingbird Cottage with me.

The blue Plumbago is one of our favorites.

The Hummingbirds like the Coral Honeysuckle.

And our Shasta Daisies bloomed this year.

I am so glad they finally decided to bloom. We planted them as seeds last spring.

Do you see the baby lime?

I am helping Mommy water the plants.

The Cuphea is so pretty we just loves it.

The Lantana is blooming too. Mommy really has to weed the flower bed it is in, there are oak trees trying to grow in there.

I do not know why Mommy took this picture.

Ah the Bottlebrush full of blooms, I thinks I will nap under it, would you like to join me? ~Scylla

- Thursday In The Garden With Socks
The Lantana The Plumeria, Ornamental Peppers and Firecracker Cuphea. Mommy grew the Ornamental Peppers from seed, we are astounded by how well they are doing and the Cuphea broke off from the one she planted at the Hummingbird Cottage so she rooted it....

- Scylla Sunday
I am having a wonderful Scylla Sunday, would you like to join me for a garden stroll.  The Firecracker Cuphea is a riot of blooms.  The Candy Corn is starting to get in on the act, they are going to look fantastic together. The Mexican Sage...

- Thursday In The Garden
 Fall brings an explosion of color to Mississippi Gardens. This Hummingbird is enjoying the Pineapple Sage.  Mommy was standing right by the Hummingbird when she took the picture. She said it was nice being able to take a shot from above the...

- Thursday In The Garden
The Crystal Palace Lobelia, Fuschia and an Ornamental Pepper. The pepper has really grown since we got it. This is a Strawberry Scented Geranium. It has not bloomed for us. This is hanging Rosemary. Our upright Rosemary does so well we thought we would...

- Thursday In The Garden With Arty Mouse
Slightly out of focus picture of the Carolina Jessamine. The Rooster Violet, it is a wildflower that we likes a lot. It will bloom all winter, it seems to enjoy cold weather. I thinks this big clump of green is Shasta Daisies, they never bloomed so I...

