Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I am a Happy Girl

I am dreaming about dancing with Brian. ~Scylla

Pawtant announcement

Thanks for letting us know Brian, please see Two Special Wires for more details. We will be remembering Whiskers, Charybdis, Peter, Trash, T2, Dingo and Snowball (Cats), Samantha and Sir Lass (Dogs) and Golden Storm (Horse).

- River Boat Adventure Tabby Cat Club Reported By Socks
We meet our friends and sailed down the Mississippi River on the Carolina Queen. The staterooms were very spacious and large. Samantha, my lovely fiancee, and Scylla shared this one. I dropped in for a visit before we retired for the evening. Things were...

- Wildlife Wednesday
The baby geese are all grown up, the family will probably be flying away soon. We feel privileged we were able to watch them grow up. We realize from some of the comments that lots of you inside cats and doggies have no idea how ferocious geese can be....

- Happy Valentines
 We wants to wish all our friends a Happy Valentines day.  And now we wants to wish all our sweethearts a Happy Valentine's Day too.  Tuiren and Maverick from Life from a Cat and Dog's Prespective.  Scylla & Brian from...

- Mancat Monday ~ Package From Momo
I am dreaming of my beloved MoMo. I guesses Scylla is dreaming of Brian. Do yo see her in the laundry basket? MoMo is very thoughtful. MoMo had SS mail this package from Australia before SS abandoned her. The package arrived before Charybdis...

- Tallulah Tuesday
It turned COLD here, it even snowed at Grandma's house in Central Mississippi, so Charybdis decided to spend the day snuggling with me. I told her a funny story about Mommy's first puppy Sir Lass. Sir Lass was a Border Collie. Did you know dogs...

