Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

 I am helping Mommy in the Garden, there is a lot of weeding and watering to be done.

 I likes to sit in the Hummingbird Cottage and watch Mommy weed the beds. It is also a good place for her to take a break and pet me.
 Socks came up to investigate what we were doing. He likes to patrol the outer perimeters of our property for problems.

 I am checking to see if this bed needs water. Mommy the dirts is dry you needs to water it.

I'll just turn the hose on for you.

- Mancat Monday
Somebody asked if Scylla is the main garden helper, the fact is we all lend a paw. While Scylla lays in the flower beds and talks to the plants, they really likes that. I roam the yard looking for problems. I tell Mommy about fire ant beds so hopefully...

- Tuiren Tuesday
 I am feeling OK. Me and Fenris spent some time in the Hummingbird Cottage while Mommy was weeding the flowerbeds.  I thinks it is a neat place to hang out.  You can see the pond from here.  When Mommy got through weeding the Hummingbird...

- Womancat Wednesday
I am supervising Mommy in the front yard. Our pink Angel Trumpet is blooming. You has to keep an eye on Mommy or she will squirt you with the hose. She is rude like that. We thinks I am continuing to lose weight. Mommy says I would do better if I didn't...

- Tsarina Tuesday
 Mommy got this windchime when she was at the Pharmacy. The black tuxedo cat reminded her of Whiskers.  And the hummingbirds came from the grocery store. Mommy may take it down to the Hummingbird Cottage, but for now it is up at the house for...

- Silly Saturday By Artemisia
 Me and Scylla are playing chase. The cooler Fall weather has us feeling frisky.  I am stalking a bug.  Now it is time for a nice wiggle on the rocks. They are nice and warm from the sun.  Guess I'll get a drink of water before...

