Scylla Sunday

Scylla Sunday

I thinks most of you know that me &  Charybdis lost our Cat Mom when we were 4 weeks old. Luckily for us Mommy & Daddy agreed to foster us cause we were so little we needed constant care and to be bottle feed. Charybdis had a heart condition. Mommy & Daddy took her to the Vet School @  MSU for an ultra sound. She was Mommy's baby. Charybdis would lay in Mommy's arms like a human baby and snuggle forever, but we both loved our Mommy & Daddy very much.

Mommy says we grew up to be beautiful cats.

I still miss Charybdis, but I loves Artemisia too. She helped my heart not hurt so much after Charybdis went to the bridge..

We helps our Mommy with the laundry.

We thinks everything looks better with a little fur on it.

I noticed some of my friends didn't know what LIVESTRONG Day was or how to participate. Well I am not terribly good at explaining things so I am sending you over to Alfie & Milo's blog post where they explained all about it. I hopes you will join us in going YELLOW for LIVESTRONG Day October 2nd.  ~Scylla

- Happy Birthday Scylla (& Charybdis) !!!!!
I can' believe I am seven, it seems like just yesterday I was a little kitten. I got the most wonderful surprise today. Brian sent me this sweet card, isn't he the best boyfriend ever!!!!!! I sure do miss Charybdis, we had lots of fun playing...

- Thanksgiving Gotcha / Adoption Stories
Minna Krebs is hosting the Gotcha/Adoption Stories, so please paw over to her blog to read more heartwarming stories.  I use to live at Grandma & Grandpa's house. They have lots of cats because they refuse to get their cats spayed and neutered....

- Introducing ...... & Confucius Cat Purrs 4 Peace Week 29 Peace On Earth. Good Will Toward Men...and Cats...and Other Animals
These are my baby pictures (October 3, 2009). I was born at Grandma's House. I was a barn cat. I didn't have a warm house to sleep in and I didn't get taken to the vet. All that changed Christmas. My Mommy & Daddy still miss Charybdis...

- Fenris ~ Day 1 & 2
(Monday)It was late when we got home. Mommy took me in the backyard and gave me some food and water and when I was through eating we walked around the backyard together. We kinda deviated from Cesar's advice because 1.) Since I was neutered that...

- El Diario De Los Gatos
September 13, 2007 We are learning Spanish, El Diario De los Gatos, means the diary of the cats, that's us. We have been getting in all sorts of mischief. First Scylla broke Mommies flower pot when she jumped up on the grill to pester Socks (Scylla...

