Seven Cats Maybe More............ By Artemisia

Seven Cats Maybe More............ By Artemisia

 This is my birth sister Tippy Toes' baby. I guess that means I am the little ones Aunt. Mommy got to pet it but it is so small it went right through the bars of the cage and escaped from Mommy.

 This Tabby has interesting markings. Mommy doesn't remember seeing it around before. And it does remind us of Annie from Fuzzy Tails.

 Grandpa feeds them in cages.

This beauty reminds us of Fin. Mommy got to pet it too. Poor thing it was very brave and got in the cage to eat and then Monster Mommy blocked the way out and insisted on petting it.

 This is my birth sister Tippy Toes. She is a little bit bigger then me.

 Mommy even stuck the camera in with the poor dear in an attempt to get a better picture.

 This lovely Tabby looks like a tiger to us.

 This isn't my birth brother but it looks just like him. My birth brother disappeared, this makes us very sad. He was friendly and loved for Mommy to pet him so we hopes he wondered off and found a loving home somewhere. Grandma claims that he wasn't one of the ones Grandpa took to the Animal Shelter. It scares me to think of my relatives being taken there. Mommy wanted to rescue me and Blackie but Blackie freaked out when Mommy took him in the house, so she couldn't rescue him. And please Mommy tries to get Grandma and Grandpa to have their cats spayed/neutered but they will not. There isn't anything she can do about it. So don't get mad at my Mommy. She even offered to pay to have it done and they still wouldn't do it. They think it is a waste of money.

And Mommy says this kitten looks like a young Socks. There were so many Mommy couldn't count them and some of them don't come up while she is there, but there were at least seven that she saw.  ~Arty Mouse reporting on the Cats @ Grandma's House.

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