

I am shivering.
We are in the midst of an Arctic blast, here in central PA.
It was 5 degrees while we did morning chores this past weekend.
(It is -2 degrees this morning!)
Our 200+ year old log cabin (uninhabited) as seen from the orchard.

Remember how I said I love cold weather???
I might be re-thinking that statement right now.
There are limits to my cold tolerance!

So, while we dress in layers...under armor, wool sweater, down vest,
snow pants, jacket, fur-lined bomber hat and boots in order to survive...
the animals seem to tolerate the cold just fine.

Jenn and the Nigerians, Dr. Becky's log home in the background.
The chickens are much less active and spend most 
of their time in their coops.
(I have not seen the Roos out in days!)

The guineas hunker down together on the fence.
Puffing up their feathers keeps an warmed air pocket close to their 
bodies as insulation.  Sitting on their legs keeps that part of them warm.
Shivering helps to generate body heat for short periods of time.

Only three of our guineas (from 2 summers ago) survived.
The turkeys' activity is always the same...
that same old courting ritual goes on every day,
regardless of the weather.
The boys, always trying to impress "Edith".

The horses maintain their warmth with a thick, furry coat.H
aving hay available to them at all times is their bestdefense against the cold.  The digestion of the fiber in hay(fermentation) provides the most heat of any bodily function.

Oakely and Sam still accompany me for chore time.
They generate plenty of body heat while running.

Maddie (our Newfie) on the other hand prefers to stay out all of the time.
She comes in the house to eat and asks to be let right out again.
A thick double coat keeps her well insulated against the cold.

As for the ducks on the pond...
they seem to be weathering the winter just fine,
in the tiny, unfrozen pool in the center of the pond.

Duck Jacuzzi
If it weren't for Hubbs' aerators, the pond would be frozen solid.

The amazing, shrinking pond.
At the end of the day,
I drag my shivering self back into a toasty warm house and hunker down; every thing there is a season.
Wishing for Spring would only make time move faster than
it already does.
So, for now I will add a few more layers and enjoy each day as it unfolds...cold and snow and winds that blow....Spring will be here soon enough.

By the way, a warm tubby always helps to chase away the winter chill!

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