Shopping in The Big Apple by Scylla

Shopping in The Big Apple by Scylla

First we want to thank Sassy, MoMo and SS for all the great pictures we are sharing with you.

We really lucked out when Socks found MoMo, cause we got her as a friend and unofficial big sister. She is a wonderful fashion adviser.

The older cats stayed in a hotel, here we are in the lobby. (From left to right Charlotte, MoMo, Charybdis, Asta, Scylla & Sassy)

We stayed with Charlotte's cousin, Mrs Perry, in her home near Central Park, when we went to the Big Apple for our shopping spree. We didn't see any Big Apples, so we haven't got a clue why they call it that. You can see the building Mrs. Perry lives in, in the back ground of the picture we had made at Central Park ( I was looking to see if there were any apples in the tree).

(From left to right: MoMo, Sassy, Charlotte, Charybdis & Scylla) Charybdis is worn out as she ran around exploring the park while the rest of us took it easy relaxing before the big shopping spree.

We found these awesome outfits at Saks , we also visited some other boutiques on the Fifth Avenue. We saw tons of our friends shopping in New York too.

Charybdis found the perfect outfit to wear when we go to the St. Patrick's Day festival in Dublin (All our friends are invited to come with us). We are going to be gone several days and there are lots of activities, so we need lots of clothes. Isn't the green striped skirt the cutest. Charybdis looks like she could be a model in it. I (Scylla) love my plaid scarf, it keeps me nice and toasty. I can't wait to show it to Mommy. And don't you just love my shoes? they are the latest fashion for us young kitties.

Here is a picture of us young kitties exploring the town. Don't we look fashionable?

(Charlotte, Charybdis, & Scylla)

It's tons of fun hanging out with Charlotte.
We just love her red boots. They didn't have them in our sizes, so we have some on back order.

Here we are outside the Rockefeller Center.

We meet up with everyone for tea and then we went to the Ritz Carlton to get ready for the show. I just love my black dress, I think it flatters my figure nicely. We all looked so sophisticated and pretty.

Mrs. Perry declined to join us as she is a very old cat and didn't have the energy to keep up with us youngsters. I don't think it helped that we stayed up late gossiping with Charlotte. Mrs. Perry was very kind to let us stay at her apartment, where we would be properly supervised and we want to thank her bunches for her hospitality.

We went to see the show Wicked. Here we are outside the theater. Can you believe we stopped traffic. You would think those New Yorkers had never seen cats in formal clothes before. I am sure they stopped because they were overwhelmed by our loveliness.

Here is a picture of us on the staircase.
(Bottom steps from left to right MoMo, Sassy, Asta; top steps Charybdis, Charlotte, me~Scylla)

We had such a wonderful time we hated going home the next day.

Here I am in Sassy's room before we leave for home, me and Charlotte are helping her with her luggage.

Charybdis and Asta are in MoMo's room helping her with her luggage.

Here we are on the jet airplane going home. This is our first time on a plane. It was neat being able to look down at the clouds and the birds, usually we are looking up at them.

Visit MoMo, Sassy, Asta, and Charlotte to see more pictures and read more about our trip.

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