Shout Out from AFSS

Shout Out from AFSS

We wants to thank everyone that was concerned about the bad weather in our neck of the woods, and were concerned about us. It actually wasn't very bad here on the coast. As Mommy spent yesterday driving to Mobile, sitting around the campus while Eldest Boy Bean was in class and then driving him to the eye doctor she didn't see the news and was unaware of all the tornadoes around. It was overcast and windy here but nothing really bad.  It was kinda bad in the central part of the state where our Grandbeans live, but they are all fine and didn't suffer any property damage. So our family has been very blessed.

We are sending comforting purrs to those who were not so lucky.

Mommy has almost caught up on the house and yard work so we hopes to get some blog visiting done. ~AFSS

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